

The Caversham Church Fete will be held in the gardens on Saturday 13 July from 1.00 to 4.30 p.m.  

Stalls with home-made cakes, plants, books, bric-a-brac and more or try your skills at traditional slideshows such as hoopla, hook-a-duck, coconut shy and beat the goalie.  There will also be an opportunity to win some prizes in the Grand Draw.

For music fans, Tadley Brass Band will be providing the saoundtrack for the day.  For little ones, magician Mr Muddle will be providing entertainment.

Refreshments will be served in the form of delicious afternoon teas, ice creams and hot foods on the lawn all afternoon with a Pimms tent near the river.


Mikron Theatre will perform this play in the gardens on Sunday 14 July at 2.00 p.m.

This play covers the extraordinary life of the radical M.P you've never heard of.  In 1929, Jenny Lee left her coal-mining family in Scotland to become Westminster's youngest M.P - so young that, as a woman, she couldnt even vote for herself.  Tenacious, bold and rebellious Jenny cut her own path through history

Jenny fought with her every breath for the betterment of all our lives.  She believed that every person deserved their share of the fruits of the earth -for wages, health and housing, and for art and education too.  Her role in the foundation of the Open University and the expansion of the Arts Council aided Jennie's fight for bread and roses, and in doing so, changed the twentieth century.  Oh yes, and founder of the N.H.S. Nye Bevan was her husband.  But Jennie is no footnote in someone else's past.

The play has integrated audio description.

Bring a picnic, a chair or blanket for this outdoor show.

No reserved seating or tickets required, a 'pay what you feel' collection will be done at the end of the play.


They will visit the gardens on Sunday 4 August.